HaptiLap in the news:
Top Stories
- New Release, Version 4.05 - August 2013
Haptilap now suport anaglyph stereopsis so that 3D stereo operation is now possible on every laptop/desktop computer. The default system uss the Amber/Blue filter so that red colours are reproduced with good clarity (check out the example image in the photo gallery.) It is also a simple task to reconfigure HaptiLap for the Red/Cyan or Green/Magenta systems, or even monochrome Red/Green.
(This new stero-vision option supplements the currently available active-stereo option.)
- New Release, Version 4.0 - May
To allow us to make or old prorgam Empedocles more widely available it has now become HaptiLap. Same great software - just a new name and look.
- New Release, Version 3.5 - March
A new release of HaptiLap has been made to include some additional effects and an easier to use camera manipulation model.
- IET Innovation Awards
The prestigious awards for the latest in technological innovation. HaptiLap (Empedocles) was selected as a finalist in the Software In Design category.
- Prize Winning Article
A scientific journal article on one of the key algorithms that allows HaptiLap to perform interactive elastic deformation of highly complex models has been awarded a prize.
The paper – ‘ A heuristic model for the simulation of the deformation of elastic and spongy material for virtual reality applications’ – published in the transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, July 2011, has been awarded the (London) Worshipful Company of Scientific Instrument Makers’ Prize for the best paper published by the Institute in 2011 on ‘the development or application of scientific instrumentation’.